Listening Part A : Suggestion (Skill 3)
Previous Skill: Negative expression (Skill 2)
Suggestions atau saran biasa di ujikan di Listening Part A. Jadi sebelum melaksanakan Tes TOEFL, kita harus sudah terbiasa dengan kalimat atau expresi yang berhubungan dengan suggestion atau saran.
Ada tiga jenis expression of suggestion yang sering digunakan, yaitu:
- Why don't......?
- Why not.........?
- Let's ..............?
On the recording, you hear:
(man) : I haven’t talked with my parents in a while.
(woman) : Why don’t you call them now? -------> Suggestion
(narrator) : What does the woman suggest?
In your test book, you read:
(A) Calling off his visit.
(B) Talking about his parents.
(C) Calling his parents in a while.
(D) Phoning his family.
- Dari contoh percakapan diatas, ekpresi kalimat why don’t merupakan suggestion atau saran.
- Berarti kalimat Why don't you call them berarti si wanita (orang kedua) menyarankan lelaki itu (orang pertama) utuk menelpon orang tua dia.
- Oleh karena itu jawaban terbaik adalah (D).
Perhatikan expression of suggestion pada contoh kalimat dibawah ini.
On the recording you hear:
1. (man) : The weather’s so beautiful today.
(woman) : Let’s walk to school instead of driving.
(narrator) : What does the woman suggest?
(A) Taking the car to school.
(B) Taking a walk instead of going to school.
(C) Going for a drive in the beautiful weather.
(D) Walking to class.
On the recording you hear:
2. (woman) : I never have enough spending money.
(man) : Why not get a part-time job?
(narrator) : What does the man suggest?
(A) Spending less money.
(B) Doing a better job at work.
(C) Earning some money.
(D) Spending less time at her job.
On the recording you hear:
3. (man) : We don’t have any plans tonight, do we?
(woman) : No, so why don’t we invite some friends over to dinner?
(narrator) : What does the woman suggest?
(A) Having a dinner party.
(B) Stopping the fight with their friends.
(C) Planning a trip.
(D) Making some new friends.
Next ===> TOEFL Exercise 3 & TOEFL Review Exercise (Skill 1-3)
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