Listening Part A : Passives (Skill 4)
Artikel sebelumnya: Suggestion (Skill 3)
Bentuk kalimat Passive seringkali di Tes kan di Listening Part A pada TOEFL Test. Yang harus kita ingat bahwa bentuk kalimat passive adalah:
BE + Verb III (Past Participle)
- TOEFL is studied in Senior High School
- The Food was served well last night.
- The Meeting has just been stopped by the Manager.
Di Listening Part A, untuk mengerti dah mudah memahami kalimat passive sangatlah mudah. Tiga hal penting yang harus diingat adalah:
- Fokus ke orang ke - 2 atau pembicara ke - 2.
- Jika orang kedua menggunakan/mengucapkan kalimat Active, maka jawabannya pasti dalam bentuk kalimat Passive, atau
- Jika orang kedua menggunakan/mengucapkan kalimat Passive, maka jawabannya pasti dalam bentuk kalimat Active.
On the recording, you hear:
(man) : Is that a new chair?
(woman) : Yes, we just bought it last week.
(narrator) : What does the woman mean?
In your test book, you read:
(A) She brought the chair with her.
(B) The chair was lost for a week.
(C) The chair was purchased recently.
(D) She bought the last chair from the store.Analisa:
- Dari percakapan diatas, Orang kedua (Wanita) menggunakan kalimat Active, we...bought it (the chair). Sehingga jawabannya pasti dalam bentuk kalimat Passive.
- Sehingga jawaban terbaik adalah (C) the chair was purchased.
1. (man) : What happened to your notebook?
(woman) : I left it in the cafeteria.
(narrator) : What does the woman imply?
(A) The cafeteria is to the left.
(B) She left a note on the cafeteria door.
(C) She took some notes in the cafeteria.
(D) The notebook was left in the cafeteria.
2. (man) : When are we going to talk about the problem with the copy machine?
(woman) : It will be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.
(narrator) : What does the woman mean?
(B) They will talk about the problem tomorrow.
(C) It is a problem to have a meeting.
(D) They must discuss whether or not to have a meeting.
3. (woman) : Did you correct the paper?
(man) : I checked every single line again and again.
(narrator): What does the man mean?
(B) He wrote many of the lines over and over.
(C) The checkmarks were on every line of the paper.
(D) He wrote a check for the paper.
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