Listening Part A : Passives (Skill 4)

Artikel sebelumnya: Suggestion (Skill 3)

Bentuk kalimat Passive seringkali di Tes kan di Listening Part A pada TOEFL Test. Yang harus kita ingat bahwa bentuk kalimat passive adalah:

BE + Verb III (Past Participle)

  • TOEFL is studied in Senior High School
  • The Food was served well last night.
  • The Meeting has just been stopped by the Manager.  
Di Listening Part A, untuk mengerti dah mudah memahami kalimat passive sangatlah mudah. Tiga hal penting yang harus diingat adalah:
  1. Fokus ke orang ke - 2 atau pembicara ke - 2.
  2. Jika orang kedua menggunakan/mengucapkan kalimat Active, maka jawabannya pasti dalam bentuk kalimat Passive, atau
  3. Jika orang kedua menggunakan/mengucapkan kalimat Passive, maka jawabannya pasti dalam bentuk kalimat Active.

On the recording, you hear:

(man)        : Is that a new chair?
(woman)   : Yes, we just bought it last week.
(narrator)  : What does the woman mean?

In your test book, you read:

(A) She brought the chair with her.
(B) The chair was lost for a week.
(C) The chair was purchased recently.
(D) She bought the last chair from the store.

  • Dari percakapan diatas, Orang kedua (Wanita) menggunakan kalimat Active, we...bought it (the chair). Sehingga jawabannya pasti dalam bentuk kalimat Passive.
  • Sehingga jawaban terbaik adalah (C) the chair was purchased.

1. (man)       : What happened to your notebook?
    (woman)  : I left it in the cafeteria.
    (narrator) : What does the woman imply?

(A) The cafeteria is to the left.
(B) She left a note on the cafeteria door.
(C) She took some notes in the cafeteria.
(D) The notebook was left in the cafeteria.

2. (man)       : When are we going to talk about the problem with the copy machine?
    (woman)  : It will be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.
    (narrator) : What does the woman mean?

(A) She needs to make copies before the meeting.
(B) They will talk about the problem tomorrow.
(C) It is a problem to have a meeting.
(D) They must discuss whether or not to have a meeting.

3. (woman) : Did you correct the paper?
    (man)      : I checked every single line again and again.
    (narrator): What does the man mean?

(A) The paper has been thoroughly corrected.
(B) He wrote many of the lines over and over.
(C) The checkmarks were on every line of the paper.
(D) He wrote a check for the paper.

                    TOEFL REVIEW Exercise (Skill 1-4)

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