Exercise 7 : Noun Clause Connector
Artikel sebelumnya: Noun Clause Connector (Skill 7)
Perhatikan kalimat dibawah ini. Semua kalimat mengenai Noun clause connector. Tentukan apakah kalimatnya benar (C) atau salah (Incorrect)
1. It is unfortunate that the meal is not ready yet. (C)
- Kalimat diatas benar karena kedua klausa (It is unfortunate ....dan the meal is not ready yet) masing masing memiliki Subject dan Verb.
- Connector 'that' juga sudah benar.
- Kalimat diatas salah karena kalimat ke dua (when should pick up the children) tidak memiliki Subject. Kalimat yang benar seharusnya " .....when I should pick up the children".
3. The instructor explained where was the computer lab located. (I)
- Klausa/kalimat ke dua (where was the computer lab located) salah. Seharusnya posisi verb/be (was) setelah subject (the computer lab).
- Kalimat yang benar adalah ........where the computer lab was located).
4. We could not believe what he did to us. (C)
- Kedua klausa/kalimat sudah benar karena masing-masing sudah memiliki Subject dan Verb.
5. Do you want to know if it going to rain tomorrow? (I)
- Kalimat/klausa ke-2 salah karena tidak memiliki tobe (is).
- Kalimat yang benar seharusnya "it is going to rain tomorrow".
6. We never know whether we will get paid or not. (C)
- Kedua klausa/kalimat sudah memiliki subject dan verb.
7. This evening you can decide what do you want to do. (I)
- Kalimat/klausa ke-2 (what do you want to do) salah. "do" setelah what seharusnya di hilangkan.
- Kalimat yang benar adalah "..........can decide what you want to do.'
8. The manager explained how wanted the work done. (I)
- Kalimat/klausa ke-2 (how wanted the word done) salah karena tidak memiliki Subject.
- Kalimat yang benar seharusnya ".......how he wanted the work done.
9. The map showed where the party would be held. (C)
- Kedua kalimat/klausa sudah benar.
10. Can you tell me why was the mail not delivered today? (I)
- Kalimat/klausa ke-2 (why was the mail not delivered today?) salah karena posisi was seharusnya setelah the mail).
- Kalimat yang benar adalah .................why the mail was not delivered today.
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